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Stepping Stones sober living homes provide a safe, positive and structured support system in a family environment. 

It's never too late.

Our Process to Sobriety

To stay sober you need to insert yourself into a safe living environment, away from the toxic unhealthy situations and people that are keeping you from living a clean and sober program.

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We provide a safe, secure and comfortable place to live and get healthy.

Normal routines provide a pleasant family environment.  Household responsibilities keep you accountable. 

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You will be living with a diverse group of individuals that provide you support, experience and compassion. With realistic expectations, we will help motivate you to be part of the AA Fellowship.

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When our basic human needs for shelter and security are met, we are then in a position to heal, learn and grow.  The only way to stay sober is with honesty, integrity and hard work.  This work involves the 12 Step Program of AA, a Sponsor, weekly meetings and service by helping other Alcoholics.

Prayer for Serenity

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.



- Reinhold Niebuhr

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